Ward care

Ward care

Post operatively you will be looked after by a combination of skilled nursing and medical staff as well as by myself. Our ward nurses are highly experienced in the care of neurosurgical patients and are caring and compassionate. Our Parkville Neurosurgery specialist nurse will also see you and provides her significant expertise and experience. I will see you regularly after your surgery and whilst you remain as an inpatient and you can ask me questions at any time.

If you have any post operative medical or anaesthetic problems I may request that you are seen by one of my medical colleagues who can provide specific expertise about their areas of medical practice.

At Melbourne Private hospital we also have 24/7/365 cover on the ward with Neurosurgical Registrars and Residents, a very valuable resource not available in many private neurosurgical hospitals.

The team also includes our expert physiotherapists and occupational therapists who will assess, mobilise and advise you after your procedure.

Going home:

When you are ready to go home I will advise you of your discharge plan and how, where and when I will follow you up. Going home allows you to be in a familiar environment where you can sleep and eat much better than in hospital. Being at home also means you are not exposed to many bacteria that are only found in hospitals. I encourage patients to return to the home environment when I feel they are unlikely to need specific hospital based care. You will though still need care and attention and the help of your support network, particularly in the first week after discharge.

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